This is my student conference, it is something we had to finish off and show our parents. It is like a interview but instead of our teachers talking to our parents it was us taking to them ourselves. Hope you enjoy !!
Hola Roxy it Ocean here from room 5.This is a very interesting blog post i really like your title page it is very cool,However you may need to add a bit more in your learning statement.I also like how your words are big and clear and easy to read.And your goals are very good an i hope you complete them,Maybe in your spare time you could check out my blog: happy blogging:)
Hola Roxy it Ocean here from room 5.This is a very interesting blog post i really like your title page it is very cool,However you may need to add a bit more in your learning statement.I also like how your words are big and clear and easy to read.And your goals are very good an i hope you complete them,Maybe in your spare time you could check out my blog: happy blogging:)