Wednesday, 22 May 2019

RoCkEt ChAlLeNgE !!

These last couple of weeks we have had a man come in to us (> aka Matua Troy) and talk about what he does at work as well as gonna be teaching us on how to build a rocket. It has definitely been interesting learning all these new things and how we're going to be building a rocket. He works at the Far North District Council and is very helpful with what he does. We've also got more lessons coming up with him which I can not wait for.

Monday, 20 May 2019


I wrote about the fight because it was an enjoyable night and she had won her fight and because she won the belt.

On Saturday in the afternoon around 1:30 we left home to go to Auckland for a fight, it wasn't my fight but it was Quin's fight and she inspires me. I was definitely excited when the ref yelled out her name I couldn't help myself but yell and say "GO QUIN YOU GOT THIS." But before her fight I wasn't as hyped as I was when she walked out, everyone's fight down there was so good they done well but once it got to the fight before her's I was prepping myself to yell hard out. Before her fight there was like 13 so I was just like woo hoo but then as soon as she came out I was yelling hard out. Then out she came I was super hyped then started to record her fight. The opponent got in a couple of good hits but Quin had some very good ones as well and almost swooped her opponent off her feet. Round 1 was just a light and easy round so that she could see our her opponent fought as well as round 2. In round 3 and 4 it got a bit more intense and she went in for bigger and harder hits. As they got to round 5 Quin went in for it and was going for gold till she knew she had it. At the end she found out she won and she is now the top winner in New Zealand.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Fraction Whole!!

This week for our Maths workshop we had to find answers to solve out problem we got given. After the problems we got given we had to make up 3 of our own. We then had to do an example and explain how to solve it. So I done my 3 and thought it'll help out some people . I hope you enjoy my Google Drawing : )

Monday, 13 May 2019

CaRpOoL kArAoKe : )

So at the end of the week last week we had our assembly. It was a very hectic week for both room 5 and 6 to fit in some time for assembly practice. I decided to post our Carpool Karaoke because I though that was a very cool and funny item we presented on the day. The song me and my friends done was London Thumakda, which is a song me and my friends enjoy listening to. We are the 6th group that is in the car and I am the one in the back. I think that song is just a hyped song to listen to especially when your in a hyped mood. It was our whole class that done Carpool Karaoke, we also had a bloopers to which was very funny as well.