Monday 23 September 2019

End of Term 3

So this week is the last week of school and I thought I'd finish me free writing streak off with how my terms been. We have done so much this term such as Camp, Netball ending, Technology, Matariki concert etc. We have had such a busy Term and it has gone past real fast, which then means Term 4 is gonna end fast as well, and by then me and my friends will be graduating from Primary/Intermediate. It has been an extraordinary term with my friends, and soon this term is coming to an end, but yay to the HOLIDAYS! but then again Primary/Intermediate is almost over. Also Kapa Haka is going to be next term in Term 4 and we're leaving for the week, so we have so much practices and Wanangas coming up, and a whole week practice in the holidays.

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